POR: Pablo Ramos
Innumerables encuentros fueron descritos entre soldados del Ejercito Norteamericano y Regiomontanos en los dos años de ocupación de la Ciudad de 1846 a 1848,uno de ellos el el que describe un soldado quien llego a la Ciudad en el mes de Febrero de 1847 y que recorrió varios lugares donde se llevaron los enfrentamientos, uno de ellos fue el viejo edificio del Obispado localizado en la llamada Colina de la Independencia (actual cerro del Obispado),ahí menciona que escucho al regiomontano que tocaba con guitarra y cantaba una desconocida y dolorosa canción llamada " días de ausencia" de autor desconocido, dejemos que el soldado Norteamericano cuente esta anécdota:
February 7, 1847 "The sun rose clear and bright this morning over the towering heights of Saddle mountain--
the eastern boundary of the beautiful city of Monterey. The air is loaded with perfume, most delicious, from the thousand orange and lemon trees that fill the gardens and groves that surround the city. Birds of every hue and song, fill the air with noes of harmony; among which are mocking birds, and others numerous and to me nameless. South of the city there runs another chain of mountains, divided by a pass only, a broken chain on the west nearly surrounding the city. And such a city! Guarded at every point by fortifications, both of nature and art, rendering it almost impregnable to an enemy; and how it could be taken by
a force fighting against four to one, I cannot tell; but so it is, and had not the carnage been stopped, full one thousand more of the Mexicans would have fallen. I have rambled over the city, visiting places of note, among which is the cathedral, an immense pile of stone, towering up in relief against the blue mountain side, carved work from base to dome, give it an ancient and romantic appearance, its chimes ringing the time each quarter, each half, and each hour, both night and day. The next is the Bishop's castle, magnificent building, strongly fortified, but now a heap of ruins. It is situated about half a mile west of town, on a hill of perhaps some two hundred feet in height, guarded on the west by a still higher hill; on the east by a strong bastion of stone, with four port holes--thus commanding the city on the north, south, and east. After climbing for half an hour up the step ascent, over pointed rocks, I came within a few rods of the castle, and stopped to breathe a moment. While standing there, the most melancholy strains of music met my ear that I ever heard--that they came from the castle I was sure, and determined I was, to discover the author. I therefore preceded very cautiously, till I came into the court of the castle, and there, sitting with his back towards me, playing upon his guitar, was a young Mexican. The air he was playing was "Days of Absence," and others followed in strains equally plaintive, so soft and melancholy it caused me almost to shed tears. Soon however he changed to the lively air of "Come buy a Broom"--and suiting the action to the tune, he jumped up and commenced a series of waltzing--which would have done credit to a teacher of art--and then, for the first time, he discovered my presence. He ceased his capering and music, and saluted me with a warm good day, and desired me to "pli tundi" (play a tune) which I of course declined. (Of course you now why.) He accompanied me over the castle, showing and explaining to the best of his knowledge, the castle and its history. After climbing to the top and viewing the city to my heart's content, I started for the camp--and what I saw afterward, shall be the subject for another letter. I am well--never better--fat as good living can make me. My best love to dear mother, and compliments to all friends, and I am, as ever, yours affectionately. "
07 de febrero 1847
"Salió el sol claro y brillante de esta mañana sobre las alturas imponentes del cerro de la silla - el límite oriental de la hermosa ciudad de Monterrey, el aire está cargado con el perfume, más delicioso, de la naranja y miles de árboles de limón que llenan los jardines y. . arboledas que rodean la ciudad
Hermosa carta. Ese soldado era un poeta, escribía con mucho sentimiento.Gracias por compartir tanto conocimiento acerca de este momento de la historia de México.